
Micro-nano Medicine & Tissue Engineering

Huang Guoliang

Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, the school of medicine, Tsinghua University

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Huang Guoliang, PhD, Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, the school of medicine, Tsinghua University; Doctoral Supervisor; Changjiang Scholar Distinguished Professor, National Ministry of Education.


1991.9-1995.3,Ph.D.Optical Instrument,Tsinghua University,CHINA.

1988.9-1991.7, M.S.Optical Information Processing, Beijing Normal University, CHINA.

1984.9-1988.7, B.S.Physics, Beijing Normal University, CHINA.

Professional experience:

He was appointed an engineer from 1995 Mar. to 1998, in Department of Precision Instruments and Mechanology, Tsinghua University, and promoted into an associate professor in 1999.

He was an associate professor from 1999 Oct. to 2003 Dec., in Department ofBiological Science and Biotechnology, Tsinghua University.

He was an associate professor from 2004 Jan. topresent, in Department of Biomedical Engineering, the school of medicine, Tsinghua University, and promoted into a professor in 2012.

Honors and awards:

In 2007, Second prize for National Technology Invention, fromThe people's Republic of China Central People's Government.

In2005,2008and 2017, Second prize of Beijing Science and Technology Award, fromBeijing Municipal People's Government.

In 1995and 2019, Second prize of National Scientific and Technological Progress Award from the National Ministry of Education.

In 2015, First prize of the Science and Technology Award, from the China Instrument and Control Society.

In 2015, First prize of the Science and Technology Award for Maternal and child health in China, from the Maternal and Child Health Research Association.

In 2019, Second prize for Huaxia Medical Science and Technology Award, fromChina International Exchange and Promotive Association for Medical and Health Care.

In 2019, Second prize for Huang Jiasi Biomedical Engineering Award, fromChinabiomedical engineering society.

In 2006, National Excellent Patent Award, from the State Intellectual Property Office.

In 2013, National Excellent Patent Award, from the State Intellectual Property Office.

In 2016, National Excellent Patent Award, from the State Intellectual Property Office.

In 2016, Gold medal in the Beijing Invention Innovation Contest, from the Beijing Invention Association.

In 2008, Gold medal for writings in 4thWudayou scientific book Award, from theCross-StraitUnion Organization of Publish.

Research interesting:

His current researches focus on molecular diagnostics in micro-nano fluidic chips and instruments development, small animal in-vivo imaging, biosensor in label free, single cell analysis and imaging in ultra-resolution, Precision technology and system of traditional Chinese Medicine etc.

Major Research Achievements:

There are32 patents (including5international patents) approved and 2 software copyrights licensed;two national innovative medical device approval,fiveCFDA Medical Device Registration Certifications, and two CE Certifications were obtained. Two national standards were constituted.After the industrial transformation of relevant research results, the sales revenue exceeded 600millionYuan.

1.In the field of biochip detection and instrumentation development,between 2000and 2009,I invented anewconfocal fluorescence detectionsystem capable offluorescence collecting efficiency to the diffraction limit,having a large numeric aperture (NA =0.72)and long working distance(WD = 3.22 mm) objective lenses,acylindrical–lenses-reformed dark-field illumination method,a mid-hole-reflecting beam split measuring system, anda FRET correction method,etc. These inventions lead tosix Chinese patents and three international patents authorized,two software copyrights licensedandsix papers publishedinAnalytical Chemistry(V82, p5304–5312,2010;V81, N4,p1426-1432, 2009), theJournal of Biomedical Optics(V13, N3,p034006, 2008), theJournal of Microscopy(V234, p255-261, 2009),etc. Integrating these innovative methods and key components, a series of four outstanding scientific instruments and medical devices were created, including the microarray scanner, the quality detector on the biochip and the laser confocal scanners.

2. In the field of micro-nano biomedical detection and precision medical,from2007-2016,I was in charge of inventing microfluidic chip-based isothermal amplification technology for molecular diagnostics, a double-focal-plane imaging system with high fluorescence collection near the optical diffraction limit, inert surface processing methods, air-film-cubic-heating and self-adaptation PID (proportion integration differentiation) temperature controlling, and a moving average filter algorithm for dynamic signal processing, which stabilized biochemical reactions in micro-nanoliter assays. There were alsofive patents (including one international patent) authorizedandeight papers publishedinLab on a Chip(V15, p3891–3896, 2015),Scientific Reports(V4, N7344, p1-9, 2014),Analytica Chimica Acta(V695, p1-10, 2011),etc. Integrating these innovative methods and key components, four outstanding scientific instruments and medical devices were developed, i.e., the microfluidic chip-based isothermal amplification nucleic acid analyzers: (a) RTisochip-A for clinical medicine, (b) RTisochip-B for food safety, (c) RTisochip-C for rural areas and home health, and (d) RTisochip-P for application in extreme environments. These instruments were developed for isothermal nucleic acid amplification and sensitive real-time detection of amplified products for sequence-specific molecular identification, where the reactions occur in < 1.5-μL assays, the detection limit is better than 10 copies, the detection time is 45 min, and dozens of detection indices only need a single sample addition.

3. In thetraceanalysis field,from 2011-2014,themicro fiber spectrometerfrommy patenton areflective optical fiber sensorwas developed for droplet sample analysis,whichhasthe same sensitivity (pg/μL)as that of conventional spectrometers and spectrophotometers andcanremarkablyreduce sampleconsumption to< 1μLandextend the detectionrange to0-3000 ng/μL(traditional spectrometers can only detect therange ofconcentration from 0-50 ng/μLand need> 50 μL ofsample). The micro fiber spectrometeriscurrently usedfor nucleic acid and protein analysis in life science and medicine. Some new applications were also developed to improve the technology in deep UV spectrum analysis, includingon-siteexamination of six typesofillegal drugs and seven kinds ofexplosives for rapid drug control and antiterrorism,which has the same sensitivity as that of achromatograph. One patent(ZL200910236148.4)has been authorized,and three papers were published inAnalyst(V137, p1596-1603, 2012),Analytica Chimica Acta(V751, p112– 118, 2012), andAnalytical Methods(V6(24), p 9628-9633, 2014).

4. In the field of biosensors, from 2010-2016,surface plasmon resonance imaging (SPRI),hyperspectral white light interferometry,andhigh dark phase contrast of vapor condensationwere explored for visualization oflabel-freebiochemical reactions.These techniques can be used forhigh-throughput,multiple-phase,andlabel-free molecule interaction detection.There were alsothreepatents authorizedandfivepapers publishedinAnalytical Chemistry(V89, N6,p3501–3507, 2017),Lab on a Chip(V15, p3891–3896, 2015),Optics Letters(V38, p1524-26, 2013),Analyst(V137, p3760–3766, 2012) andJ.Biomedical Optics(V17, N1, p015005-1-8, 2012),etc.

5. In the field of biochip-basedin vitrofertilization(IVF), from 2007-2010,the biochip-basedIVF systemwas developed for the application ofin situfertilization.Anovel microwell-structuredmicrofluidic device that integrates single oocyte trapping, fertilization, and subsequentembryo culturewas explored. A microwell array was used to capture and hold individual oocytes during the flow-throughprocess of oocyte and sperm loading, medium substitution, and debris cleaning. Embryos could becultured to the blastocyst stage inthesedevices, with developmental status individually monitored andtracked. The results suggest that the microfluidic device maybringseveral advantages to IVF practicesby simplifying oocyte handling and manipulation, allowing rapid and convenient medium changing,and enabling automated tracking of any single embryo’s development.This work indicates apotentialforlivecell culture andinsitudetection, and it could substitute for CO2constant temperature incubatorsandlive-cell microscope workstations.Twopatents(one international patent)have already been authorized (ZL201010218520.1 and PCT/CN2011/001013). Three papers were published inLab on a Chip(V20, p2848-2854, 2010),Clinical Chemistry(V56,1270–1278, 2010), andAnalytical Chemistry(V83, 2964-2970,2011).

6. In the field ofnon-invasiveimaging of humansin vivoand the Chinese medicine eye-like health analysis,from 2015-2020,a novel shadowless imaging techniquefor Chinese medicine eye-like health analysiswas explored,which isfree from the illumination source’s reflection shadow overlapping the white of the eye and enables fast eyeball wide-field imaging fornon-invasivedisease diagnosticsof viscerainvivo.Compared to commonly used ophthalmology diagnosis instruments and rayimaging equipment, this novel shadowless imaging system has the following advantages:without the interference of the reflection shadow from the light source,no image splicing is required, it isnon invasive (no radius damage), and it is suitable for long-term follow-up monitoring.Three patents (201510904265.9, US768332000200, and 201630058969.4) have been applied for, including one international patent, and one of them has been authorized (ZL201630058969.4). The eye-like health analyzer also obtained theRed Star Design Award(Chinese Industrial Design Best Awards) from the China Design Red Star Award Committee in 2016. Meanings of the works:development of automation and precision of the Chinese medicine eye-like health analysis will be promoted.

Therearemore than100 papers published on international and china journals, includingLab on a Chip,Analytical Chemistry,Clinical Chemistry,Analytica Chimica Acta,Analyst, Journal of Biomedical Optics, etc,totalSCI IF >120,and also written5bookspublished.Such as

(1),Ya Su, Rongxin Fu, Wenli Du, Han Yang, Li Ma, Xianbo Luo, Ruliang Wang, Xue Lin, Xiangyu Jin,Xiaohui Shan, Wenqi Lv and Guoliang Huang*,Label-Free and Quantitative Dry Mass Monitoring for Single Cells during In Situ Culture,Cells,2021, 10, 1635. https://doi.org/10.3390/cells10071635。(SCI IF6.6)

(2),Ruliang Wang, Han Yang, Rongxin Fu , Ya Su, Xue Lin , Xiangyu Jin, Wenli Du, Xiaohui Shan and Guoliang Huang*,Biomimetic Upconversion Nanoparticles and Gold Nanoparticles for Novel Simultaneous Dual-Modal Imaging-Guided Photothermal Therapy of Cancer,Cancers,2020, 12, 3136; doi:10.3390/ cancers12113136. (SCI IF6.126)

(3),Guoliang Huang*, Qin Huang, Lan Xie, Guangxin Xiang, Lei Wang, Hui Xu, Li Ma, Xianbo Luo, Juan Xin, Xinying Zhou, Xiangyu Jin & Lei Zhang, A rapid, low-cost, and microfluidic chip-based system for parallel identification of multiple clinical pneumonia-related pathogens, Scientific Reports, 2017,7 (1) :6441(1-10). (SCI IF 4.259)

(4),Qi Li,Rongxin Fu,Junqi Zhang, Ruliang Wang, Jiancheng Ye, Ning Xue, Xue Lin, Ya Su, Wupeng Gan, Ying Lu, and Guoliang Huang*,A label-free method using weighted-phase algorithm to quantitate nanoscale interactions between molecules on DNA microarray,Analytical Chemistry, V89(6),p3501–3507, 2017.(SCI IF 5.886)

(5), Junqi Zhang, Rongxin Fu, Liping Xie, Qi Li, Wenhan Zhou, Ruliang Wang, Jiancheng Ye, Dong Wang, Ning Xue, Xue Lin, Ying Lu and Guoliang Huang*,A smart device for label-free and real-time detection of gene point mutations based on the high dark phase contrast of vapor condensation,Lab on a Chip, V15, p3891–3896, 2015.(SCI IF 6.115)

(6), Guoliang Huang*, Qin Huang, Li Ma, Xianbo Luo, Biao Pang, Zhixin Zhang, Ruliang Wang, Junqi Zhang, Qi Li, Rongxin Fu, and Jiancheng Ye,fM to aM nucleic acid amplification for molecular diagnostics in a non-stick-coated metal microfluidic bioreactor,Scientific Reports, V4(7344), p1-9, 2014.(SCI, IF5.578)

(7), Liping Xie, Tongzhou Wang, Tianqi Huang, Wei Hou, Guoliang Huang* & Yanan Du*,Dew inspired breathing-based detection of genetic point mutation visualized by naked eye,Scientific Reports,V4(6300), p1-6, 2014.(SCI, IF5.578)

(8), Tongzhou Wang, Qiang Li, Xin Li, Songmin Zhao, Ying Lu and Guoliang Huang*,Use of hyperspectral imaging for label-free decoding and detection of biomarkers,Optics Letters,V38, p1524-26, 2013.(SCI, IF3.4)

(9), Jiang Zhu, Ying Lu, Cheng Deng, Guoliang Huang*, Shengyi Chen, Shukuan Xu, Yi Lv, Keith Mitchelson, and Jing Cheng*,Assessment of Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer for Two-Color DNA Microarray Platforms,Analytical Chemistry, V82, p5304–5312,2010.(SCI, IF5.2)

(10), Chao Han, Qiufang Zhang, Rui Ma, Lan Xie, Tian Qiu, Lei Wang, Keith Mitchelson,Jundong Wang, Guoliang Huang*,Jie Qiao* and Jing Cheng,Integration of single oocyte trapping, in vitro fertilization and embryo culture in a microwell-structured microfluidic device,Lab on a Chip, V20, p2848-2854, 2010.(SCI, IF6.3)