



结构生物学高精尖创新中心、自动化系及生命学科校级平台邀请Cornell UniversityChris Xu 博士于64日上午10点在郑裕彤讲堂做关于在体三光子成像讲座 Dr. Xu现为康奈尔大学应用与工程物理系教授, Mong Family Foundation Director of Cornell Neurotech – Engineering Director of Cornell NeuroNex Hub, an NSF funded center for developing and disseminating neurotechnology. His current research areas are biomedical imaging and fiber optics, with major thrusts in multiphoton microscopy for deep brain imaging, multiphoton microendoscopy for clinical applications, and fiber-based devices and systems for telecommunications and optical imaging. Dr. Xu has chaired or served on numerous conference organization committees and NSF/NIH review panels. In addition to hundreds of journal and conference papers, he has 32 patents granted or pending. He has won the NSF CAREER award, Bell Labs team research award, the Tau Beta Pi Professor of the Year Award, and two teaching excellence awards from Cornell Engineering College. He received the 2017 Cornell Engineering Research Excellence Award. He is a fellow of the Optical Society of America, and a fellow of the National Academy of Inventors.

讲座时间201864  10:00-11:00


如要参加,请于61日下午17:00前知会马佳璐 (majialu@biomed.tsinghua.edu.cn)

有兴趣与Dr. Chris Xu面谈的老师请联系王亚林 (wyl2017@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn); 孔令杰(konglj@tsinghua.edu.cn

In vivo 3-photon Microscopy of the Mouse Brain

Chris Xu

School of Applied and Engineering PhysicsCornell University

       Over the last two decades, multiphoton microscopy has created a renaissance in the brain imaging community. It has changed how we visualize neurons by providing high-resolution, non-invasive imaging capability deep within intact brain tissue. Multiphoton imaging will likely play an essential role in understanding how the brain works at the level of neural circuits, which will provide a bridge between microscopic interactions at the neuronal level and the complex computations performed at larger scales. In this talk, the fundamental challenges of deep tissue, high-resolution optical imaging are discussed. New technologies for in vivo structural and functional imaging of mouse brain using long wavelength excitation and three-photon microscopy will be presented. We will illustrate the requirements for imaging the dynamic neuronal activity at the cellular level over a large area and depth in awake and behaving animals, and show applications where 3-photon microscopy outperforms conventional 2-photon microscopy in both signal strength and image contrast. Finally, we will discuss several future directions, including adaptive optics and new laser sources, to further improve the imaging depth and speed in biological tissues.


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