

Tsinghua University Innovation Center for Immune Therapy--Request for Applicatio...


Innovation Center for Immune Therapy (ICIT), a joint entity of the Institutes for Immunology and Institute of Technology Transfer at Tsinghua University, was established in August, 2016. ICIT aims to accelerate transformation of basic scientific discoveries into innovative medicines. ICIT thus serves as an “incubator” for translational research “from target to hit” by providing seed money as well as technical expertise. The successful applications are expected to have sound scientific basis and carefully crafted plan to develop first-in-class lead molecules for immune-related diseases. Several global pharmaceutical companies such as BMS, Roche and Zai Lab have become ICIT strategic partners and will advise and assist the mission of ICIT.

ICIT is now calling for the first round of application. 



 Target areas

Ø  Immune diseases including but not limited to autoimmunity, inflammation and allergy;

Ø  Cancer immunotherapy.



 Eligible applicant

Ø All faculty of Tsinghua University who are interested in immune therapy and want to develop technology



Application format

Ø Contact and resume of the applicants;

Ø  Project Title;

Ø  Abstract (1 page);

Ø  Summary of background and preliminary data related to the target (1 page);

Ø  A clear but concise plan on technology development including milestones and anticipated outcomes (2-3 pages);

Ø  Requested budget (typically in 1-2 million RMB).

 Application should be submitted by email to icit@tsinghua.edu.cn before June 20, 2017.




ICIT will review the applications by its scientific advisory board (SAB) members, and select projects for oral defense.


For further information, please contact

Ms. Candice Yang

Medical science building

Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China

Email: immunology@biomed.tsinghua.edu.cn



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