

Seeking a Team Leader for Tsinghua-RIKEN Joint Laboratory for Immunology RIKEN C...



Seeking a Team Leader

for Tsinghua-RIKEN Joint Laboratory for Immunology

RIKEN Center for Integrative Medical Sciences



Tsinghua-RIKEN   Joint Laboratory for Immunology

*This   Laboratory will be jointly established by the RIKEN Center for Integrative   Medical Sciences and the Institute of Immunology, Tsinghua University.


Research Field

The   RIKEN Center for Integrative Medical Sciences (IMS) and the Institute for   Immunology, Tsinghua University (IITU) plan to establish one joint laboratory   focused on cutting edge immunology research. IMS and IITU, both leading   research institutes, invite applications for this unique tenure-track   position at Tsinghua University. We are seeking exceptional candidates   pursuing innovative research on any aspect of immunology, including but not   limited to the inflammasome, immune memory, human and clinical immunology,   microbiota and mucosal immunity, and animal disease models. We are   particularly interested in candidates who will bring novel approaches, either   technical or conceptual, to the study of the immune system.


Job title and Job description

Position available

One opening for an adjunct Team   Leader at IMS, RIKEN


*This is considered a joint PI   position with at least 5 years employment as a full-time tenure-track faculty   by the Institute for Immunology, Tsinghua University (IITU). The selected joint   PI will be also assigned as an adjunct Team Leader at the RIKEN Center for   Integrative Medical Sciences (IMS). The arrangement above is based on the   agreement between Tsinghua University and RIKEN.


Job description

-    Activities of the joint PI will be in both Beijing as a full time IITU   faculty member and in Yokohama as an adjunct IMS PI.

- The joint PI will lead an   independent Research Group and provide training and nurturing to postdoctoral   researchers and graduate students at IITU. The joint PI will also lead a   research team at IMS. The joint PI will develop cooperation between IMS and   IITU in research and capacity building.   

- The faculty position is a tenure-track   position at IITU. Based on international standards, the tenure-track faculty system   at Tsinghua University offers a merit-based academic career choice for   outstanding scientists. The career path starts from the initial appointment   as a tenure-track faculty through a tenured position as Associate Professor or   to Full Professor.




- All   applicants must have earned a Ph.D. or equivalent   degree and have substantial postdoctoral training with a record of excellent   research accomplishments.

- The successful   candidate will have demonstrated excellence and creativity in research,   scholarship and a commitment to equity and inclusion in higher education.

- The successful   candidate will have leadership and management abilities to run a research   laboratory and direct laboratory staff.



Work locations

Institute   for Immunology, Tsinghua University (IITU)

Beijing   10084, China


RIKEN   Center for Integrative Medical Sciences(IMS)

1-7-22   Suehiro-cho, Tsurumi-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 230-0045, Japan


Salary and benefits

[Terms   of contract] [Salary][Holidays][Other provisions]

Salary   is commensurate with qualifications and is highly competitive by international   standards.

Benefits   and other provisions are in accordance with the regulations of Tsinghua   University.




Application and required documents

Interested applicants   should send the application documents below in a single PDF file to IMS email   addressIMS-recruit[at]riken.jpPlease replace “[at]”   with ”@”.

*   Please put “Application Documents; IMS701-1801 Tsinghua-RIKEN   – Joint PI” in the subject line.


[Documents   to submit]

1.   CV with photograph and E-mail address. (Please add “Open call ID [IMS701-1801]”   to the upper right corner of the CV.)


2.   List of publications (primary publications, reviews and books),   presentations, etc. in the past ten years.


3.   Major publications. [Up to five. Indicate the papers that will be submitted   on the list of publications (#2).]


4.   Future research plans and research philosophy/vision (Up to five double   spaced A4-size pages) including;

-   Abstract of your research plans and vision.

-   Specific description of your near term (5 year) research plans - their   significance, originality, novelty, and expected impact. Include a brief   description of previous research and achievements that form the basis of your   plans.

-   List of competitive external funding awarded currently and in the last 5   years as well as currently submitted/under review proposals (e.g.   Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research [KAKENHI]; indicate whether you are the   primary investigator or a collaborator)


5.   One letter of recommendation from your current supervisor, as well as letters   of recommendation from two researchers not affiliated with RIKEN.

*Recommendation   letter should be addressed to “President, RIKEN” and include the   recommender’s name, affiliation, position and E-mail address.

*Recommendation   letter should be sent by E-mail directly, to IMS-recruit[at]riken.jpreplace “[at]” with   ”@”.Please   put “Recommendation letter for (name of applicant)” in the subject line.


6.   Certificate of graduation or copy of diploma for the highest degree obtained   (photocopy acceptable). (This document can be sent anytime up until the day   of the interview.)


*Application   documents will not be returned.



5:00 PM on January 4th (Mon.), 2018 (Japan Standard Time)

*All   required documents should be submitted by this deadline except for [Documents   to submit] #6.  Certificate of   graduation.


[Handling   of personal data]

Submitted   documents are strictly protected under the RIKEN’s privacy policies and will   be used only for the purpose of applicant screening and hiring. Personal   information will not be disclosed, transferred or loaned to a third party   under any circumstances.



Selection process

The candidates will be evaluated for their potential, especially her/his   scientific standards and research and communication skills in accordance with   Tsinghua University and RIKEN regulations and guidelines.

Only individuals who   pass the initial documents screening will be interviewed.



Start of Employment

April   1, 2018 or the earliest date possible (negotiable)


Contact Information

Any   questions about this position should be sent to the email address given   below.

Please   put "Open call IMS701-1801 for Tsinghua-RIKEN Joint Laboratory for   Immunology, IMS" in the subject line.


For   application documents and general questions:

Recruiting   staff for RIKEN Center for Integrative Medical Sciences,

Administrative   Division, RIKEN Yokohama Branch,

IMS-recruit[at]riken.jp   (please replace “[at]” with ”@”).


For research contents:

ims-suishin   [at]riken.jp (please replace “[at]” with ”@”).

Application   documents should not be sent to this address; please use the recruitment   address above.


Where announcement is to be made

RIKEN public websiteOther (Tsinghua   University website, 日本分子生物学会HP,日本免疫学会HP,日本生化学会HP)




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